Horse races! |
The Friday after we got back from Spring Break was Horse Racing day! The horse races were in Canberra, and they are a big deal from what I gathered from everyone. So, while in Cairns I prepared by buying a big floppy hat. We started off the morning by having breakfast at a friends place before heading to the races. The races were fun, and it was fun to see everyone so dressed up! Not going to lie, I expected there to be lots more floppy hats around, but people went for fascinators instead of hats. I enjoyed hanging out with all my Australian and exchange friends the whole day! The horse racing part wasn’t actually too exciting for me, it was more about the people I was with (Sorry to all my horse loving friends for saying that).
Floriade |
That Saturday, I went to something called Floriade with 2 of my friends. It is just a big flower show thingy with lots of flowers and shops and food. The flower beds are all in designs, and it’s actually really cool! I had gone at night before our Spring Break, but it was hard to see, so we decided to go during the day. It was a nice relaxing day filled with pretty flowers! That night, the exchange girls had girls night. We all got fancy and went to Civic for a night out. It was such an amazing and fun night with lots of my closest friends here. It was definitely one of my favorite nights out in Canberra!
Pine Island |
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Surfin' Aussie Land! |
And now, for the best part of my two weeks...SURF CAMP! As I sit here typing, it hurts so bad to move. I am sooo sore all over, but the soreness is definitely worth the experience. I have a newfound respect for surfers and what they do, because it was hard enough for me to catch a baby wave. By the end of the first day, I had stood up one time for around 10 seconds, which was amazing. Before that, I was getting so frustrated because everyone around me seemed to be doing great, and I couldn’t even catch a wave. I was actually just laying on my board being way frustrated and not even trying when I ended up standing. I had my head down on my board, and I heard one of the instructors yelling at me to start paddling. Next thing I know, I’m riding the wave and then I’m standing up! It was sooo awesome! After that, I had a lot of close attempts, but always ended up on my knees, which is a no-no in surfing. Oh well, I had fun kneeboarding!
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Huge surf boards! |
Sunday I got up one more time for like 2 seconds. It wasn’t long but still so exciting! I had lots of half way up moments, but I always fell off my board before doing anything more than crouching. Still, I can now say I’ve been surfing! Yet another new experience. It was such an incredible weekend! I remember first hearing about Surf Camp before I had even left the US and thinking “Wow, that’s so far away.” I can’t believe it’s now over. I don’t know where the past 3 months have gone, but I need these next two to just slow down!
Once again, I don’t think this blog even begins to explain all the fun I’ve had the past two weeks. I leave out heaps of the small details of everything that makes some of the experiences so great because it involves conversations or just completely random things that happen. So, sorry if this all seems boring, but it’s a nice collection of my favorite memories for me to look at. :-)
I know in one of my first blogs I mentioned how I didn’t think I would ever get used to the whole driving on the left side of the road thing. That is now becoming relatively normal. By the time I do come back, I’m going to be completely used to driving on the left and then I’m going to have to switch my thinking back to the right. It’s just confusing to think about.
The drive to and from Canberra is just a lot of countryside. Yet, this countryside seems so different from Tennessee or anywhere I’ve seen in the States. I can’t explain it, but it just seems so much more peaceful or something. The trees that were once so weird looking to me seem normal. It seems normal to see windmills in the distance. It seems normal to be driving on the left side of the road. It seems normal to see heaps of sheep. I say all this to basically say: Life is normal here now. Sure, there are still tons of differences from back home, and some things still come as a surprise to me. But, I’m to the point where I’m probably going to think things are weird when I come back home.
This week is something called Stoneweek. It celebrates the founding of the University of Canberra and is just a huge party week. I’ve asked multiple people what you do for Stoneweek, and the only answer I’ve really gotten is “You get drunk.” I still don’t really understand it, but I know partying has commenced. Today was nemesis day and you tie yourself to another person. You two go everywhere together and every time your partner drinks, you drink. You basically drink until one of you can’t anymore from what I’ve been told. Sounds like a good idea, right? Other things go on throughout the week, I just don’t know what. This is my terrible week in school life, and I have so many assignments to work on, so I will not be partaking in much of Stoneweek, if any at all. And that is ok with me. I think this is a good example of Aussie drinking culture...Drink all day, every day, and the reason is basically school related. Anyways, that’s my understanding of Stoneweek. Aussies and their partying. I love and hate it all at the same time.
Ok, I now must go write actual papers. Blogging is my way of productive procrastination, but it’s time to actually be productive. :-)
Sunset on the way to Surf Camp |
Saturday schedule |
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