I’ve been back in Canberra for a few days since returning from Spring Break, and I am still in disbelief at all that I experienced in a week. Last week was easily one of the best weeks of my life, if not the best week of my life. Honestly, a lot of my week cannot be explained in words. They were things you just need to experience for yourself to fully appreciate the beauty of everything that is in our world.
Cairns Lagoon at sunset |
For the break, I went with 4 other students to Queensland. Our week started off with a flight to Cairns. We had heard of the Lagoon that was in Cairns, and our first day there, we set out to check it out. Turns out, it was a man-made pool because beaches in Cairns are non-existent. The shores are just a muddy, icky mess, so you definitely don’t want to go swimming there. We only had one full day in Cairns before we headed up to Cape Tribulation.
Daintree River Cruise! |
Bright and early Tuesday morning, we began our journey to Cape Tribulation. We booked a tour that would take us up to Cape Trib. On the way there, we stopped at plenty of places and experienced the Daintree Rainforest on our tour, which is the oldest tropical rainforest in the world. Our first stop was at the Wildlife Habitat, which had all Aussie animals. Highlight of the Wildlife Habitat? I got to hold a koala! In New South Wales, you aren’t allowed to hold koalas, but since we were in Queensland, I got to hold one and have my picture taken with him! So awesome! Our next stop was for a Daintree river cruise. We loaded up on a boat and went cruising on a river in search of crocodiles. While we never got to see an adult, we saw 3 baby crocs. I had watched something on crocodiles before coming to Australia, and I actually find them quite fascinating. They are really smart and just intriguing to my mind! After the cruise, we stopped at a lookout real fast then continued on to have lunch. After lunch, we went on a jungle boardwalk through the middle of a tropical rainforest. Just hanging out in a rainforest. No big deal. We were then dropped off at the Cape Tribulation Beach House, where we stayed for the next 3 nights.
Home for 3 nights! |
Rainforest plants |
Our cabin was literally a 2 minute walk from the beach, yet we were still in the middle of the rainforest. We just took a jungle path down to the beach, and all of a sudden, there’s nothing before you except water. Ocean when you look out, and turn around and you have the rainforest. It was my own little heaven. It was so beautiful, and pictures cannot do it justice. We went out to the beach the first night we were there, and while it was a partly cloudy night, the moon was SO bright. I didn’t know the moon was that bright because I am always surrounded by at least some other lights. But, there was literally NOTHING in Cape Trib, so it was solely the moonlight I witnessed. It was a moment which made me so thankful for the life I live. I will never understand why of all the people in the world, I get to live this unbelievable life. I feel like there are so many people out there so much more deserving of this life, yet I am the one experiencing everything. I can’t wrap my mind around it, and as I stood out there with my friends, I was so happy. It probably sounds weird, and I can’t explain it fully. I wish everyone could stand on that beach and see the moonlight and stars as we saw them. So breathtaking.
Cape Tribulation
The fruits we tried |
While in Cape Trib, we did a lot of relaxing. If it wasn’t raining, we were on the beach. If it was raining, you would probably find us playing cards at the bar. We chose to do a tropical fruit tasting one day. There are so many fruits I’ve never heard of! And they are all so good! A husband and wife grow their own fruits and do fruit tastings every day. Their story is actually really amazing, but for the sake of everyone reading this, I’ll skip that as this post is already going to be so long. Just know...A tropical rainforest has a lot of fruits to offer, and fruits go much farther than bananas, apples, grapes, oranges, and all the other ones we are used to!
Ready to scuba dive!! |
Nemo and Marlin were home |
Friday, we headed back to Cairns. Saturday was the big day I’ve been waiting for for years...The day I would visit the Great Barrier Reef! Once again...Words cannot explain. While I’ve always just wanted to snorkel the GBR, I also decided to scuba dive. Unbelievable. We went to two different sites, and I ended up diving at both. The first, Michaelmas Cay, didn’t have as many fish as I wanted, but had heaps of coral. After finishing my first dive, I was contemplating going at the second site and was convinced by one of the crew members after she told me it was so much better. So, at our second site of the day, Hastings Reef, I dove again! There were so many more fish there, and it was so amazing. We found Nemo and his dad! They were swimming happily in their anemone home! Finding Nemo was always an awesome movie, but when I watch it now, I can say “I’ve seen him and him and him!” It was so amazing. We rented a camera for the day, so I do have pictures, but they do not at all do it justice. NOT. AT. ALL. There are so many people I know who have said they want to go to the GBR. My advice: Just go. You will not regret it. It might be really expensive, but I promise that in the end, you’re not going to miss that money. You’re just going to be thankful you got to see one of the natural wonders of the world in person. At the beginning of the day, I was thinking this would probably be my only trip to the Reef. Afterwards...I don’t know when, but I will be back. I could spend everyday on the Reef, and I still don’t think it would be enough.
Sunday was spent at the Cairns Lagoon and shopping. Monday we unfortunately had to head back to Canberra. I doubt this blog even begins to make anyone reading this understand just how great this week was for me. Visiting a tropical rainforest and seeing the Great Barrier Reef have been on my bucket list for years, and I’ve now done both of them. I also had a great time with the girls I was traveling with, and we had some ridiculously funny and awesome moments that I never want to forget.
*You can find more pictures of my trip at the end of this blog or give me a few days and all of my pictures will be on Facebook!
Now that I'm back in Canberra, I have school to think about. I have so much to do, and I am becoming very frustrated with the way my classes are run. All except for one is so disorganized. There is always heaps of confusion with every assignment that I have to turn in. I never really understand what is expected of me, and I don’t know how I’m getting the marks I’m getting because all of my assignments have involved me just typing and seeing what I end up with. In one of my classes, the lecturer has been out all semester sick, so we’ve just had grad school students lecturing. Not going to lie, they don’t even seem to know what they are talking about, therefore, I have no idea what they are talking about. The tutorials are beyond pointless for that class as well. Things are just run here so differently and assignments are set up so differently. In my counseling class today, we actually took a few minutes and talked about the American system and everyone in my class was so interested to hear how things differ. They all said our ways sound terrible, but I told them I’m not a fan of their system.
My time here is over half way over, which is crazy to think about. I have so many more trips to plan and go on before leaving! We still don’t know when our finals are, and that is also frustrating because depending on when I have finals depends on when I’m going to where. I’ve already booked plane tickets to New Zealand, and we leave on the Wednesday during the last week of finals (finals are for 3 weeks here). If I have a final on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday of that week...Well, let’s just say that’s just going to be problematic. I need to decide when I’m going to Melbourne. I’ve decided Uluru is a MUST. I’ve been undecided about that one for a while, but it’s going to have to happen, even if it turns into a weekend thing where I skip class if I need to. I need to experience the Australian outback while here and that takes priority over school, right? I would like to make it to Brisbane and the Gold Coast, but if that doesn’t happen, life goes on. So much traveling and so little time!
So, to sum it up...School sucks. Life is great. I don’t want to come home. I’m addicted to traveling. I found Nemo. I went to a tropical rainforest. I held a koala. I saw wild baby crocodiles. I have awesome friends from all over the world. SO. MUCH. AWESOME.
Travel buddies for the week! Shelby from Kansas, Anna
from Tennessee, Mandy from Canada, and Katie from Maryland |
Lizard that was right outside our cabin |
First day in Cairns |
Hahaha Awesome sign! |
Pretty day in Cape Tribulation |
Where we had lunch on our rainforest tour |
More rainforest views |
Star Apple |
Look close and you can spot a baby crocodile |
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